Kiulu River White Water Rafting 九鲁河激流泛舟

Venture out on Kiulu River with rafters. Graded as safe to children and gentle enough for the elderly to experience the thrill of rafting.

Pick up from hotel at specific time and enjoy a two-hour journey across paddy fields and scenic villages. Upon arrival, you learn on the safety measures and rafting techniques from professional rafting instructor.

Strolling down the stream can be a life-changing experience. Take in the awe-inspiring landscape of tropical rainforest as you paddle through the bumpy riverbeds. Lunch is served at the pit stop. Changing rooms and shower facility are available at the pit stop.

Meal: Packed lunch

在沙巴,从河流乘筏而下,沿途会经过泛起泡沫、狂暴的激流等,游客皆会觉得是一大挑战。 加上河流沿岸怡人的浓密森林景色,来此泛舟绝对令人忘却烦恼。

建议初学泛舟飙筏或欲掌握泛舟飙筏技术的游客到 在湍急度划为一至二级的九鲁河(Kiulu River) 尝试身手。 这条河适合五岁到六十五岁的初学新手。 刺激度比较温和、安全性比较高,奔湍流道长达15km,是沙巴最长的急流泛舟飙筏河流。

早上从亚庇市出发。到达泛舟区后,教练会做一个有关泛舟需要注意的简报。 穿上为您准备的激流泛舟装备,开始尽情体验泛舟的乐趣。 在高潮、低潮、漩涡及激流不断的冲击下,乘载着五至六个人的橡皮艇,必须在起伏和摇摆不定的考验下,由组员合力把橡皮艇筏撑至终点。 于泛舟终点,换上干爽的衣服,享用午餐。

餐食: 午餐

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