Proboscis Monkey & Fireflies 长鼻猴萤火虫生态之旅

Proboscis Monkey & Fireflies Sanctuary, an area of more than 400 acres of mangrove swamp forest which has been set aside as a refuge for endangered proboscis monkeys. The monkeys have little chance of survival as development consumed their native habitat. While seeing endangered Proboscis Monkeys is a highlight to many visiting Borneo.

The sanctuary is also home to a wide variety of birds and other wildlife.

It took about 1 to 2 hours drive from Kota Kinabalu city.

Package include return hotel transfer, entrance fee, guided river cruise, English speaking coordinator.

Meal: hi-tea & dinner

长鼻猴及萤火虫生态区 坐落在沙巴匿大红树林,是珍贵长鼻猴、长尾猴、银叶猴、鳄鱼、水蜥蜴的棲息地。



从亚庇市区出发大约 1 到 2 小时的车程。


餐食:下午茶 及 自助马来风味晚餐

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