Kinabalu Park + Poring Hot Spring + Desa Farm 神山公园+波令温泉+牧牛场 一日游

No vacation to Sabah is complete without a tour to the extraordinary Kinabalu National Park and Poring Hot Springs.

It is estimated 289 species of plants and about 290 species of birds, wildlife and butterflies transforming the park into a treat for the soul. Most recommended to admire them in full splendour is from the suspended bridges. Hanging 60 meters above the ground, Canopy Walkways offer the best view of the national park (not for fainted heart).

Enjoy a sulphuric bath at the Poring water springs after the walk. The springs are a delight for the health and set up to welcome any tourist interested in trying such treatment.

A visit to the Desa Farm is a wonderful closing for the day. If time permitted, you may witness the processing of fresh milk. You may purchase fresh milk products before returning.

Meal: Lunch

京那巴鲁公园(俗称 神山公园)占地754平方公里,从热带植物到寒带植物,可算是世上仅剩的植物生态中心。

形成至今有150万年的历史,山内的奇花异草及各种珍稀动植物更令人眼界大开,展示着许多丰富的金凤花、兰花、杜鹃花及猪笼草。这里还孕育世上最大的莱佛士亚花(Rafflesia)、世上最小的树猴…… 不愧是最生动的自然教室。

波令露天温泉(Poring Hot Spring) 洗漱烦忧。含有硫磺的温泉水,据说有益健康 特别对皮肤病特有效。目前,这里建造多个露天式浴盆和多间浴室,游客可以沿着小径,川行林间,通往山溪、瀑布、岩洞。


返程途径 牧牛场(Desa Farm。时间上许可,你有幸目睹新鲜牛奶的提炼过程。在这里你可以买到当天新鲜出炉的鲜奶。


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